YouTube alone is used by almost 2 billion individuals, who watch a billion hours of video every day and generate billions of views.

That many "billions" is a lot.

Furthermore, no cable network in the US can compete with YouTube's mobile audience of 18 to 49-year-olds

The growth of video marketing is thus not surprising.


ِThis post is for you if you want to learn how to harness the amazing potential of video marketing. You'll first discover what YouTube advertising is and the many categories of YouTube advertisements that will be offered in 2021. Next, I'll walk you through setting up and configuring your first YouTube ad campaign. Finally, we'll talk about several YouTube tips that might improve the effectiveness of your YouTube marketing. 

What is advertising on YouTube?

You may advertise your video material on YouTube or in search results using Google Ads, which will increase the number of users who see it. This might be the case if your video starts playing before someone else's video or if it appears in full-screen mode in YouTube search results.

Different YouTube Ads

YouTube adverts come in six different categories:

  • The TrueView adverts
  • Instream commercials that can't be skipped
  • Instream bumper advertisements
  • sponsors for cards
  • Ad overlays
  • Display advertisements

It's crucial to comprehend each YouTube ad kind before starting to create your initial campaign. You may then modify your advertisement to fit the format you choose to use.

Let's learn more about them all.

A YouTube TrueView Ad: What Is It?

A YouTube TrueView Ad: What Is It?

We will discuss this type in greater detail than the others because it is the primary advertising style on YouTube.

The most control over the commercials people see is provided through TrueView ads. Since TrueView has these advantages over alternative in-stream video ad formats, according to Google, eight out of ten viewers prefer it.

However, TrueView advertising is also excellent for companies.

Only when viewers watch for at least 30 seconds, finish a brief video, or engage with an ad in some other manner, like clicking on a call-to-action, do advertisers pay for TrueView advertisements.

Additionally, because viewers have the option to skip ads they don't want to see, advertisers can reach a more engaged audience while saving money.

According to YouTube, a TrueView video ad can run for a maximum of 6 minutes and a minimum of 12 seconds.

In-stream commercials and discovery ads are the two primary categories of TrueView advertisements right now. Let's examine each of them more closely.

Ads by TrueView instream

Before a viewer's selected video, TrueView in-stream adverts begin to play.

An example of a TrueView in-stream advertisement from Unbounce is shown below:

A little countdown clock and a link to the offered website are also included in in-stream advertisements in the lower left corner of the screen.

Additionally, TrueView in-stream advertisements have a corresponding banner advertisement that is seen in the right sidebar above the list of suggested films.

Advertisers may add text overlays and calls-to-action to TrueView in-stream advertising to make them more distinctive.

Up next?

Ads by TrueView Discovery

In addition to showing up in the right-hand sidebar of watch pages above the suggested videos list, TrueView Discovery advertisements are also displayed within the YouTube search results.

The advertisements are made up of a thumbnail picture and up to three lines of text.
An example of a TrueView discovery advertisement for a movie trailer that appears above the natural YouTube search results is shown below:

Users may view videos by visiting the YouTube watch page or the appropriate channel page by clicking on discovery adverts.

What Makes YouTube TrueView Ads Useful?

Reaching your target demographic with TrueView advertisements is a terrific idea.
They're low risk, to start.

Remember that you only pay when viewers choose to watch your advertisement in its entirety, for at least 30 seconds, or when they take an action in response to it.
This is fantastic.

Because you may at least be certain that your budget is being spent on interested viewers, even though 76% of consumers automatically bypass these advertisements.
Second, since TrueView advertising is opt-in, there are no time restrictions.

Reaching your target demographic with TrueView advertisements is a terrific idea.
They're low risk, to start.

Remember that you only pay when viewers choose to watch your advertisement in its entirety, for at least 30 seconds, or when they take an action in response to it.
This is fantastic.

Because you may at least be certain that your budget is being spent on interested viewers, even though 76% of consumers automatically bypass these advertisements.
Second, since TrueView advertising is opt-in, there are no time restrictions.

What is a non-skippable in-stream ad on YouTube?

The main difference between non-skippable in-stream commercials and TrueView in-stream ads is that you got it, viewers cannot skip them. These advertisements are not regarded as "TrueView" since viewers have less control over them.

Non-skippable advertisements are well known to be disliked.

In reality, the 30-second unskippable ad format was discontinued by YouTube last year. Non-skippable advertisements must now last for between 15 and 20 seconds.

A YouTube advertisement from Apple that cannot be skipped is displayed below:

youtube google ads

A YouTube advertisement from Apple that cannot be skipped is displayed below:

Non-skippable in-stream advertisements are presented during a video.

The term "mid-roll" non-skippable YouTube commercials refers to the non-skippable YouTube adverts that play in the middle of videos that are 10 minutes or longer.

Advertisers pay for non-skippable YouTube adverts on a CPM basis, in contrast to TrueView commercials. Cost-per-mille, or CPM, refers to the price that advertisers pay for every thousand views.

Therefore, it's crucial to focus your ad targeting to avoid wasting money on ineffective prospects.

The purpose of CPM advertising should also be kept in mind.

Cost-per-mille (CPM) advertising is more suited for branding efforts intended to obtain widespread exposure, like the Apple example above, but pay-per-click (PPC) advertising excels at turning prospects into leads.

A YouTube bumper ad: What is it?

The third sort of YouTube video ad that is offered to advertisers is bumper advertisements. These non-skippable video advertisements must start before the viewer's selected video and be no longer than 6 seconds.

On a CPM basis, bumper advertising is paid for by advertisers, much like non-skippable YouTube commercials.

Many businesses use them in broader YouTube advertising campaigns that also include other ad forms.

An example of a HostGator bumper sticker is seen below:

Obviously, tales, reviews, or product demonstrations don't work well with bumper advertising. However, the 6-second time constraint may be a fantastic inspiration for new ideas.

Check out the YouTube advertisements leaderboard: Bumper ads edition, which has 20 of the best bumper commercials from across the world, for more creative ideas.

What is a Sponsored Card Ad on YouTube?

YouTube sponsored cards are tiny call-to-action (CTA) popups that show during videos.
A fairly subtle kind of YouTube advertising is sponsored cards.

 When a spectator clicks on the little I sign that appears in the top right corner of a video, the card expands.

You can see the text that displays when I hover my mouse over the symbol in the image below.

YouTube sponsored cards can feature goods from Google Shopping as well as other YouTube videos.

To construct a card-based shopping campaign, Google gives a helpful tutorial.

A YouTube overlay ad: What is it?

The simplest type of YouTube advertising may be overlay adverts. These are banner advertisements that show up underneath videos.

The illustration below illustrates a banner advertisement from Hawkers:

Text-based overlay advertising is another option, as shown in the example below:

Visit Google's informative guide for additional details about Overlay YouTube advertisements.

A YouTube display ad: What is it?

Another straightforward YouTube advertising technique is display adverts. These advertisements, which have been around for some time, may be seen on the right sidebar above the list of suggested videos.

A Deeply YouTube Display ad is seen in the image below:

These advertisements can also be seen in a variety of sizes, like in the MAPFRE advertisement below:

Now that you are aware of the various YouTube advertising formats, let's go over the process of creating your first campaign.

How to Use YouTube for Marketing

How you promote on YouTube will vary based on your expectations. YouTube advertising may be used to promote a business, sway consumer behavior, boost sales, or foster brand

 loyalty. These goals can be advanced by using YouTube video adverts in the following ways:

  • Increase Brand Recognition

Introduce your product to those who are unfamiliar with it already. To find others who share your interests in comparable items and places, you should target them.

  • Influence a buyer's choice

Videos that explain why your product is the greatest choice for your consumer and provide concrete proof for that claim convert best, so take advantage of it.

  • Raising Brand Loyalty

Invite your consumers to discuss your product in your videos to demonstrate to potential

 buyers that you offer the greatest goods and services available.

  • Boost Sales

Expand your reach to audiences that resemble those you have never previously targeted and try new strategies. Find out how to connect your goods to others to increase sales.

The First YouTube Advertising Campaign

You must produce your video or image and the pertinent ad content if you haven't previously.

Look at the YouTube advertisements leaderboard for ideas on how to write an effective YouTube video ad. A list of the top YouTube commercials from across the world is published by YouTube every month.

Okay, let's get started.

The initial step is to upload your YouTube promotional video.

It's recommended to submit your marketing video to your YouTube account before you start setting up your advertising campaign.

By entering into your YouTube account and selecting the little camera icon in the top-right corner of YouTube, you may accomplish this. Simply select "Upload Video" after that.

Once there, you may choose the file you wish to upload in the upload box.

Make sure to include all required details, including the title, description, and tags.

Step 2: In Google Ads, start a new campaign

You may start setting up your YouTube ad campaign as soon as your video has been posted.
Go to your Google Ads account first.

(If you don't already have a Google Ads account, see this tutorial on how to get one.)

Go to the left-hand sidebar and choose "All campaigns" after logging into your account.

 Then, to start a new campaign, click the sizable blue "+" icon.

You will then be sent to a window where you must choose a campaign type. Google now gives users five options:

  • Search Display Video Universal App Shopping

  • After clicking "Video," you must choose a single objective that reflects the primary objective of your campaign for your company.

For instance, you might choose the "Website traffic" target if you wanted to employ YouTube advertisements to boost the number of people that visited your website. You will then see suggested features and options as you go with setting up your campaign, which can aid in driving traffic to your website.

Simply hover your cursor over a goal choice to learn more about it.

Further information on the objectives and subtypes of video campaigns is provided in the chart below for context.

A goal can be added or removed at any moment. You may also construct your campaign without reading a goal's recommendations if you'd like.

Configure Your Campaign in Step 3

Let's set up your campaign now.

Pick a Name

Select a name for your campaign that accurately defines it as this is just for internal use.

As soon as you start running numerous campaigns in Google Ads, this will make it easier for you to identify the campaign.

Establish a Budget

Set the average daily amount you wish to spend first.

Start off modestly at first. So you can make sure you're getting the best potential return on investment, and test and improve your advertising plan.

Conventional or fast delivery options are also available.

While rapid will show your advertising at every chance and cause your budget to deplete more quickly, the standard will spread your spending out over the day.

Start by selecting rapid delivery. In this manner, you may quickly gather data for campaign optimization purposes.

Select the Start and End Dates.

Enter your start date and, if desired, select an end date.

Choosing Your Networks

You may choose where you want your advertising to display in this area.

There are three choices accessible as we're making a video advertisement:

  • Results from YouTube searches may include advertisements. (Using this option will limit you to just seeing TrueView discovery advertising.)
  • YouTube videos: Ads will be displayed on the YouTube site, channel pages, and videos.
  • partners for video on the display network: This implies that your advertisements will also run on Google's other advertising channels.

We're going to leave the selection alone in this case.

Choose a location and a language.

Make sure to choose the nation and language in which you want your advertisement to appear.

Choose Your Bidding Technique

You must now decide how you will finance your campaign. Four choices are offered by Google Ads:

  1. Maximum CPV: Fees are determined by how many views and interactions a video receives.
  2. You will be charged a maximum CPM (cost-per-mille) for every thousand impressions of your advertisement.
  3. You will only be paid per thousand impressions after your advertisement has really been viewed (viewable CPM, also known as vCPM). You won't be charged, for instance, if a user lands on the page and leaves right away.
  4. Target CPA (cost-per-acquisition): Fees are depending on viewer activities, such as clicking on your advertisement.

Since our campaign's objective in this instance is to boost site traffic, we'll select "Target CPA."

So, we'll only be compensated for viewers that convert.
Select a kind of inventory

Your advertising can only be displayed in this section on material that is consistent with your brand.

For instance, if you own a dropshipping company that sells toys for kids, you won't want your adverts to appear next to pornographic or violent material.

To make sure that your advertising isn't displayed on offensive material, it's important to carefully go through each choice.

Exclude Material To go a bit further, you may choose not to view certain sensitive content categories like "Tragedy and conflict" and "Sensitive social topics" in this area.

Again, don't miss this step – doing so might have disastrous effects on your brand!

Choose the Audience You Want to Reach in Step 4

Give your ad group a name that describes it before you start choosing your audience. You'll be able to utilize the same audience selection in subsequent ad campaigns if you do it that way.

Choose a Demographic

The process of focusing on your target audience b
egins here.

Ads provide you the chance to specify the target audience by providing information about their gender, age, parenting status, etc.

Concentrate on Your Target Clientele

You have a ton of options in this part of Google Ads to locate your ideal target demographic. It's important to research them and be as precise as you can.

Step 5: Decide Where Your Ads Will Appear

The precise sort of material you want your adverts to appear on may then be selected.

Enter Your Desired Keywords

One word or phrase per line should be entered or pasted into the field as your target keywords.

To identify comparable keywords to target, you may also utilize the "Get keyword suggestions" tool.

Choose Topics

To display your advertisements on articles on particular issues, simply choose any pertinent topics.

Select Your Ad Locations

Okay, so now you can choose exactly where you want your advertising to appear.

If you omit this field, your advertisement will run on any YouTube or Display Network placements that correspond to your other targeting preferences.

Choose Your Marketing Video in Step 6

Next, look for your marketing video using the search bar. You may also click the link to post your video to YouTube if you haven't already.

When your video displays, click on it to choose it.

Configure Your YouTube Ads Video Ad in Step 7

The last step is to choose your video format.
Based on the choices you've already made for the campaign, ads will display the possibilities that are accessible.

Then, remember to include your title, CTA, and URLs.

Here, we're going with an in-stream ad format. Keep in mind that in-stream video advertisements come with a display banner. In this situation, you have the option of uploading a picture or letting Ads create one for you using videos from your YouTube channel.

Simply click "Save and continue" and then "Continue to campaign" to complete the process.

You've just launched your first YouTube advertising campaign—congrats!

Five Advantages of YouTube Marketing

Small businesses may find YouTube advertising prohibitively expensive, particularly if dropshipping is the majority of their revenue. This can be the case if you don't have much money to invest or if other advertising channels, such as social media advertising, aren't generating as much cash as you had hoped.

However, YouTube advertising focuses on a different kind of content format and interacts with users in a totally different way. YouTube advertising is the ideal site to find ad money from if your audience interacts with video content more than others.

1. Reach

YouTube advertising can reach a significant portion of the audience when they are actively engaged because the site has more than 1 billion users and receives over 1 billion unique visitors each month.

2. Focusing

Only Facebook can compete with the depth of information available on YouTube as a member of the Google empire. With the aid of this understanding of personal preferences and interests, you can better target the proper demographic with your YouTube ads. Take caution not to restrict your reach by over-optimizing your targeting.

3. Data

The reports you receive throughout your advertising campaigns are comprehensive and include details on both your advertisements and the people who saw them. Learn more about the audience that responded to your content. What kind of material did they consume before making a purchase from your store? combining your Google Ads and Analytics accounts to obtain additional data.

4. Users

Don't wait for a visitor to your website who has shown interest in your company to return; instead, establish a connection with them. Remarketing, a feature of the Google suite, enables you to target people who have previously visited your website with adverts so that you might entice them back.

5. Versatility

Your adverts can change along with YouTube advertising, which isn't static. To make sure you get the most out of your advertising budget with YouTube, you may alter your targeting, ad schedule, ad wording, etc. in real-time. Over time, adjust your adverts to reflect changes in your audience.

YouTube's Best Tricks and Tips

It may be challenging to stay afloat on a huge platform like YouTube with so many various ad alternatives and ways to reach out to potential clients. The following advice will help you run your dropshipping company as successfully as possible.

  • Make use of remarketing

Don't be satisfied with merely using YouTube targeting to display adverts to individuals. Remarketing to website visitors is far more profitable because they are already familiar with your product offering and are less likely to make mistakes.

  • Include interactive components

Including interactive components in your advertising, such as a call to action, is another YouTube recommendation. This provides viewers with a task to do so that they are not uncertain about the purpose. Giving consumers guidance and a reason to act in response to your advertising is a smart idea whether they are visiting your website to make a purchase, subscribing to your channel, or signing up for a webinar.

  • Set objectives

You must define what you want to accomplish with this campaign and what success looks like before you start it, even before you produce your video or material. How many units will you need to sell to recoup your $500 campaign expenditure while still making a profit? How much will it cost to advertise on YouTube before it is successful? Success may come in a variety of forms since goals might be sales, website views, ezine signups, channel subscribers, etc.

  • Setting a Frequency Cap

Frequency capping is a YouTube advertising technique that many people overlook. Frequency capping may either be a crucial component of your campaign or only a nice-to-have factor, depending on the size of your audience. You may limit the number of times a certain person will see your advertisement with this function. Use this feature to make sure consumers aren't irritated or have a bad impression of your brand.

  • Create Personalized Messaging

Although advertisements are now a common occurrence, only the most distinctive ones are seen. To help your viewers relate to your business, create fascinating and unique YouTube commercials. If a person can connect with a brand early on in their educational journey, it is simpler to establish brand loyalty.

  • Create Time-Related Content

For many reasons, people have strong feelings. Brands that convey these feelings are easier to identify with. Every year in the US, American football fans look forward to the Superbowl, as do businesses who pay thousands of dollars to promote there on TV, billboards, and online. Because they know exactly where their audience will be on that day — in front of some kind of digital gadget – listening, watching, and participating in this event – these companies care so much about this time of year. By demonstrating that you share their interests, you may win over your audience and start to participate in their lives.

  • Campaigns by Segment

Segmentation is the topic of our final YouTube trick. Sometimes campaigns are too general to speak to everyone. It might be difficult to motivate individuals to take on any activities or remember your brand if your material is too ambiguous. Think about the target audience for a commercial and go through the user journey to see if you can further segment the audience and the commercial. more unique and relevant.

FAQs for YouTube ads

Making Your First YouTube Advertising Campaign

A YouTube advertising campaign may be built in three easy steps. You start by adding your YouTube video advertisement. Then, depending on their geography, age, interests, and other characteristics, you choose your audience. Finally, you decide on your advertising budget, which may have a daily or monthly cap.

What Advantages Does YouTube Advertising Offer?

Since YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world, its reach, audience targeting, data analysis, large user base, and flexibility are all significant advantages.

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