What PS3 Games Should You Play in 2022?

 There are still several games on the PS3 that are worth playing in 2022 that rank among the finest ever created. Following the revelation that the PS3 shop will be closing, many gamers—both new and old—have chosen to revisit the console's back catalog.

What PS3 Games Should You Play in 2022?

It might be challenging to decide what to play, though. Remasters and remakes of many PS3 games are now available, which is probably a better alternative than playing them on the original system. Therefore, in 2022, we're mostly considering experiences that are exclusive to the PS3 (or the seventh console generation). Our collection consists largely of titles that are decent enough to justify dusting off your DualShock 3 but that you can't play on more modern gear or PC (outside of emulation).

What PS3 games are the greatest in 2022?

Our list has a strong emphasis on titles that are unavailable on current hardware, as we said above. They barely qualify as the "best PS3 games ever."," however. Instead, some games will make it worthwhile to connect your PS3 in 2022. While some of them, such as Niner, are now playable on other platforms thanks to backward compatibility, the majority remain unique to the PS3 or consoles from the seventh generation.


The Legend of Zelda and other vintage action role-playing games are honored in 3D Dot Games Heroes. The same dungeon-crawling and puzzle-solving gameplay that gamers liked in earlier games are there in this one. It's a little more ironic than that, and there are special dynamics like your blade expanding to enormous sizes when your health meter is full. It's a unique, lighthearted frolic that is pleasant and entertaining.


Before Dark Souls and Elden Ring pushed FromSoftware into the mainstream, they made their money with the superb Armored Core series. The four seventh-generation games, however, never received remasters or backward compatibility, therefore they are only available on the PS3 and Xbox 360. If you want a fantastic single-player experience, pick Armored Core 4 since it has faster gameplay than prior iterations. Contrarily, Armored Core V tends toward multiplayer, which is bad given that the servers are offline. For those who wish to watch Armored Core: Verdict Day online, the servers are still available.


Gran Turismo 5 was released with an enormous quantity of content and didn't make commercialization a key component of its game design, which led many fans to say that it is the finest game in the series. You'll see that progression is a little more even because it's the final game where you couldn't buy credits with actual money. Unfortunately, PSN has taken the DLC off of its list. However, there is a certificate for all the DLC that may still be usable if you can locate the Gran Turismo 5: Academy Edition.


Unexpectedly, Grand Theft Auto IV has not yet received a remaster. You can play it on the PC, for sure, but if you want to remain with consoles, you'll need to pull out your PS3 or Xbox 360. One of the series' darkest tales, that of Niko Belic, is maybe more profound than the one in Grand Theft Auto 5. The terrain isn't enormous, but by the conclusion of the game, Liberty City's intricate architecture makes it seem smaller. Additionally, the main game received two excellent expansions that are equally as amazing.


We're not clear why the Infamous games were never ported to the PS4 considering that they are first-party Sony games. Two of the finest open-world PS3 experiences are the superhero series from Sucker Punch, and they are still fantastic games. You may play Infamous, Infamous 2, and Infamous: Festival of Blood in the Infamous Collection, which will keep you occupied for a while.


Another popular property that was a pillar of Sony's marketing during the PS3's existence is now dormant: Killzone. The most recent game, Killzone: Shadow Fall, was a PS4 launch release, however, the first three games are only accessible on the PS3. Fortunately, getting these top-notch FPS games is simple thanks to the Killzone Collection. The cost of a new copy has increased, but since all three games are on a single disc, you may purchase them secondhand without worrying about coupons.


The biggest PS3 exclusive that hasn't been ported to current systems is likely Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. This game utilized the PS3's hardware to the fullest extent and in a way that only first-party games could. The series' canonical conclusion and Solid Snake's final excursion is a masterwork that brings the trip to a thrilling conclusion. Unfortunately, this game has flaws even with emulators, so starting it up on a PS3 is the only way to play it as intended.


Nier was remastered, but because you play as the traditional young Nier, it's just not the same. Get a copy of the game on the PS3 or Xbox 360 if you want to play as father Nier. It's a fantastic game even in its original form, and fans of the remaster should play through the Western version to understand how much work went into it.


Red Dead Redemption must have some kind of spaghetti-like code, as bringing it to PC and other contemporary platforms would bring Rockstar an absurd sum of money. These days, playing this game on an Xbox with backward compatibility is the greatest option. But if you're a Sony purist, your only choice is to use a PS3 to play it.


Resistance series battles against Chimera hordes were a PS3 staple, although they were never released on that system. It's uncertain whether the Resistance series will see a resurgence because Insomniac is currently concentrating its efforts on Marvel characters, but the Resistance Collection is a wonderful way to relive the joy. The multiplayer servers for all the games were sadly shut down by Sony years ago, but you may still play the missions.


Silent Hill 2 and 3 are best played on a PC. However, neither game is sold on any digital storefronts, and purchasing a legitimate physical copy of either game can be pricey. The original PS2 releases are the same. The Silent Hill HD Collection has drawn criticism for several issues. Even with the problems, it does have both games in their full, and they are still fantastic experiences. Because Konami never made a patch available for the Xbox, the PS3 version defeats the Xbox 360 (which is backward compatible with the Xbox One and Series X|S) in this comparison.


The third and last game in the series, Siren: Blood Curse, is a spoof version of the original. Although there are many similarities to Silent Hill, it places more of an emphasis on stealth and the use of the Sight Jacking mechanism to peer through your adversaries' eyes and get the knowledge you need to live. It's an exciting game that adds a special twist to the survival horror genre, which is underrepresented on the PS3.


Uncharted 2 is a terrific game to play on the PS3, even though it's also available on the PS4 if you're on a PS3 binge. We concur that the second installment is the greatest of the series, as do many other fans. Over ten years after its initial release, the game still holds up well. It's a dramatic trip that provides you the chance to realize your inner Indiana Jones.

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