How to build your YouTube channel


How to build your YouTube channel

Many people are looking for an opportunity to earn more money, and creating YouTube channels remains one of the most important means of earning money. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, earning more than 1 billion views a day. In this report, we show how to create a YouTube channel and how to earn profits from creating the channel.

How to create a YouTube channel

YouTube users can create channels on it through both their computer or mobile phone through the following steps:
Log in to YouTube on a computer or on a mobile-compatible website.
Click on your profile picture and then create a channel.
You'll be asked to create a channel.
Review details (with your name and Google account photo) and confirm them to create your channel. Click Here
How to create a channel with a business name or another name
Follow the following instructions to create a channel that can be managed or owned by more than one user.
You can link your channel to a trademark account if you want to use a different name on both your YouTube account and your Google account. For more information click here
  • Log in to YouTube on a computer or on a mobile-compatible website.
  • Go to your channel list.
  • Choose between creating a new channel or using an existing trademark account:
  • Create a new channel by clicking on the creation of a new channel.
  • A YouTube channel has been created to account for a brand you currently manage by selecting the brand account from the list.
  • If the brand account has this channel, you cannot create a new channel.
  • When choosing a brand account from the list, you will be transferred to the channel associated with it.
  • Enter the details to name a new channel.
  • Click on Create.
  • This will create a new brand account.
  • To add a channel manager, follow instructions to change the channel's owners and managers.

How do I prove ownership of my YouTube account?

To prove ownership of your YouTube account you will be asked to enter a phone number to prove ownership of your channel, and the verification code will be sent in an SMS or voice call on the phone number you entered.
After confirming the channel's ownership, you will be able to implement the following:
  1. Download more than 15-minute videos.
  2. Add custom thumbnails.
  3. Conduct a live broadcast.
  4. Submission of requests for review of Content ID claims

Why does YouTube request a phone number?

YouTube deals with unwanted content and complete misuse and using phone numbers to prove identity helps protect the forum and combat abuse on the platform.
The telephone number is used to send a verification code and to ensure that the same number is not used in various numerous accounts.

What is the maximum duration of the video?

Depending on automatic settings, you can upload videos for up to a maximum of 15 minutes. Proven accounts can upload videos of more than 15 minutes duration.
To prove ownership of your Google account, follow these steps:
  • Go to on your computer.
  • Follow the steps necessary to prove ownership of your Google account.
  • You can choose to receive a proof of ownership code via text message on a mobile device or via an automated voice call on the phone.
  • Make sure you use a new version of the browser to download files over 20 GB.
How to build your YouTube channel

Maximum Load Size
You can upload 256 GB of content or a maximum length of 12 hours, whichever is less. YouTube's policy changed the limits it had imposed on the size of uploads in the past, so you might see old videos over 12 hours long.
How to make a profit on YouTube?
You can make a profit on YouTube by:

  • Ad earnings: You can make a profit by posting mock ads and ads that appear on the video surface and video ads.
  • Affiliated channels: Participants make recurring monthly payments for their own benefits.
  • Shelf Goods: Fans can browse and buy official trademarked goods displayed on viewing pages.
  • Super Chat Messages and "Wonder Labels": Fans make payments for highlighting their messages in the conversation.
  • YouTube Premium earnings: You can get a share of your YouTube Premium subscriber fees when they watch the content you created.

Each feature has its own set of requirements, along with those related to the number of subscribers and viewers.

Some features may not be available if reviewers find your channel or video content ineligible for activation.

What is the minimum requirement to activate profit-making features?

  • Advertising profits
  • Do not under 18 years of age or have a legal guardian over 18 years of age who can manage payments via AdSense.
  • Affiliated Channels
  • No less than 18 years old and your channel has more than 1,000 subscribers.
  • Shelf Goods
  • No less than 18 years old and your channel has more than 10,000 subscribers.
  • Super Chat Letters
  • At least 18 years of age and reside in a country/region where the Super Chat feature is available.
  • YouTube Premium profits
Create content viewed by YouTube Premium subscribers.

Content to be presented on the channel

Before you settle on a YouTube channel, you should think about the content that you will submit on your channel. Choosing content is the most important thing in the YouTube channel because it will attract you, subscribers, increase your following and video views on the channel, and your channel will appear to spread and expand rapidly. That makes your channel stand out from the rest of the channels, and you keep delivering content and don't get frustrated or leave YouTube like the rest of the people who don't plan well to open a YouTube channel. And you'll start making a profit from YouTube through Google Adsense, but your main goal from the channel should be to deliver loving content that's interested in it, not profit.

Channel Name

  1. After you select the content of the channel, the second order is your choice of the name of the channel, the choice of the name of the channel must be met in several conditions
  2. The name of the channel shall be compatible with the content of the channel, the name shall not be in the direction and content of the purity in another direction
  3. The name should be easy to memorize and shortened so it can be easily traded among people
  4. Make your channel name special so that it is unique and does not use any other channel

Make your channel content special

When you create a channel on YouTube, you have to make your content special and be brilliant in it. The content that you will certainly introduce is already on YouTube. But it's your content that's special and you're good at presenting it that makes your channel distinct from other channels and spreads and grows rapidly. In short, if you choose good content and think about presenting it brilliantly and choose a channel name that corresponds to the content, you are on track to start working on YouTube and ready to create a YouTube channel.
Find out the right way and steps to create a YouTube channel by watching this video and don't forget the hassle of the rest of the course annotations on the YouTube channel if you want to know how to professionalize YouTube

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